Previous meeting 2017

17th Meeting of the ICANN Studienkreis

24–25 August 2017, Stockholm, Sweden

SUNET & The Hilton Slussen Hotel

Our sponsors in 2017:
Afilias Global Registry Services
VeriSign Authentication Services


eco Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft e. V.
Tucows Inc.
SUNET - Swedish University Network


Thursday, 24 August 2017

Address: SUNET/NUNOC, Tulegatan 11, plan 3, 113 53 Stockholm

13.30 – 14.00 Registration & Welcome Coffee


14.00 – 14.10 Welcome & Opening

Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Chair & Founder, ICANN Studienkreis

14.10 – 15.00 Internet in Sweden – Policy, Community & Domain Name Market

Ola Bergstrom, Swedish Post and Telecom Authority
Maria Häll, SUNET – Swedish University Network
Patrik Fältström, Netnod

15.00 – 16.00 Key Note 1: ICANN 2017

Göran Marby, CEO & President of ICANN
followed by a discussion

16.00 – 16.30 Coffee


16.30 – 18.00 Session 1: Internet Governance at its next Crossroads – The Challenge of Global Diplomacy

Moderation: William Drake, University of Zürich
Leonid Todorov, APTLD
Tarek Kamel, ICANN
Konstantinos Komaitis, ISOC
Markus Kummer, ICANN Board
Samir Saran, President CyFy India, Commissioner GCSC

18.30 – 23.00 Cultural Dinner, Restaurant “Den Glydene Freden”

Address: Gyldenefreden, 51 Österlånggatan, 103 17 Stockholm

Friday, 25 August 2017

Address: Hilton Stockholm Slussen, Guldgränd 8, 15270 Stockholm

9.00 – 9.30 Key Note 2: The Multistakeholder Approach – Lessons Learned from the IANA Transition

Larry Strickling, former Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce

9.30 – 10.45 Session 2: Work stream 2 – How much Power is in the Empowered Community?

Moderation: Roberto Gaetano, PIR Board Chair
Thomas Rickert, eco, Chair CCWG-A
Fiona Alexander, US Department of Commerce
Thomas Schneider, OFCOM, Chair of the GAC

10.45 – 11.15 Coffee


11.15 – 12.30 Session 3: Five years later – What we have learned from the new gTLD Program?

Moderation: Michael Heller, SHSG Düsseldorf
Katrin Ohlmer, DOTZON GmbH
Cherine Chalaby, ICANN Board
Philipp Grabensee, Afilias

12.30 – 13.30 Business Lunch


14.00 – 15.15 Session 4: GDPR – How data protection will affect the Domain Name Market

Moderation: Rinalia Abdul Rahim, ICANN Board
Dirk Krischenowski, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG
Keith Drazek, VERISIGN
Maarten Botterman, ICANN Board
Heiki Sibul, Estonian Internet Foundation
Michele Neylon, Blacknight

15.15 – 15.45 Coffee


15.45 – 16.15 Key Note 3: The Future of the Internet – Promise or Peril?

Carl Bildt, Chair of the Global Commission for Internet Governance, former Prime Minister of Sweden

16.15 – 18.00 Session 5: ICANN, Stability in Cyberspace & Internet Governance 2020

Moderation: Tatiana Tropina, Max Plank Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law
Nigel Hickson, ICANN
Nemanja Malisevic, Microsoft
David Maher, PIR Emeritus Chair
Hubert Schöttner, Ministry of Economics, Germany

Status: 16th August 2017