13th Meeting of the ICANN-Studienkreis
12–13 September 2013, Pisa, Italy
Scuola Normale Superiore & Institute of Informatics and Telematics
Our sponsors in 2013:
Thursday, 12 September 2013
13.00 – 13.30 Registration & Welcome Coffee
13.30 – 13.45 Opening
Welcome: Wolfgang Kleinwächter, University of Aarhus
Antonio Amendola, Senior Advisor to Deputy Minister for Economic Development
13.45 – 15.00 Internet in Italy – Policy, Legislation and Market Perspectives
Italy has a rather dynamic Internet Market and experts from the country participate actively in international Internet policy making via ICANN or the IGF. The session will give an overview about Italy’s national Internet policies and regulations, about market developments and the management of the .it ccTLD, managed by the Institute of Informatics and Telematics.
Italy’s Digital Agenda
Daniele Tatti, Agency for Digital Italy
Italy’s Internet Community
Stefano Trumpy, President of the Italian Chapter of Internet Society, Italy’s GAC Representative
Italy and ICANN’s GAC
Rita Forsi, Italy’s GAC representative, Director of the Superior Institute for Communications and Information Technologies of the Ministry for Economic Development
The management of Italy’s .it Domain
Domenico Laforenza, ccTLD Manager, CNR/IIT Director
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee
15.30 – 15.45 Internet Challenges of the 2010s: A New Season in ICANN
Key Note Speech: Fadi Chehadé, ICANN’s CEO and President
15.45 – 17.30 A new Internet Diplomacy? Towards a Framework of Commitments on Internet Governance Principles
The year 2012 saw numerous initiatives to move forward with the specification of the political and legal environment of the Internet on the global level. The IGF in Baku (November 2012), the landmark WCIT Conference of the ITU in December 2012 in Dubai, the start of the WSIS 10+ process in Paris (February 2013) and Geneva (May 2013), the World Telecommunications Policy Forum in May in Geneva, the establishment of the UNCSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation, just to name the main fora, where details of future options for the enhancement of a sustainable policy and regulatory framework for an open and free Internet were discussed recently. One key question is how the principle of national sovereignty, enshrined in the UN Charter, will be further interpreted in the light of an Internet which enables communications – as envisaged in the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights – “regardless of frontiers”. Would it make sense to channel all those initiatives around Internet Governance Principles into a process which could lead us towards an universal and multistakeholder “Framework of Commitments” where not only governments but also the non-governmental stakeholders commit themselves to a free, open and secure Internet, as it will be discussed at the forthcoming IGF in Bali in November 2013?
Moderation: William J. Drake, University of Zurich
Resource Persons:
Thomas Schneider, OFCOM, GAC Representative of the Swiss Government
Thomas Mörz, InterNetX
Rajesh Chharia, President Internet Service Providers Association of India
Erika Mann, Facebook, ICANN Director
Nigel Hickson, ICANN Vice President for Europe
Claudia Selli, AT&T
Danil Kerimi, World Economic Forum
20.00 – 23.00 Italian Cultural Dinner
courtesy by Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT-CNR)
(by invitation only)
Friday, 13 September 2013
9.00 – 12.30 1000 new Flowers in the gTLD Garden: How to water it and what next?
ICANN has started to negotiate the first contracts with registries for new gTLDs. Within a couple of month we will see the emergence of up to 1000 new gTLDs in the Internet Root. What will be the practical consequences for the domain name market, for innovation and the launch of new applications and services? And what will be the next steps? The Round Table will discuss all the options which are on and under the table for the future of the gTLD space.
Introductory Speech: N. N., ICANN
The session is split into several parts, moderated by Stefano Trumpy, ISOC Italy, Italy’s GAC representative and Michael Heller, SHSG Düsseldorf.
There are no presentations by invited panelists, but there are resource persons on the table who will feed interactive discussion with initial statements.
Those resource persons include, inter alia:
Keith Drazek, VeriSign
Roberto Gaetano, Member of the Board of the Public Internet Registry (PIR)
Markus Eggensperger, United Domains
Hubert Schöttner, German Ministry for Economics, GAC Member (TBC)
Giovanni, Seppia, EURid
Iliya Bazlyankov, UNICART, Sofia
Philipp Grabensee, Afilias
Luca Barbero, Studio Barbero
Alexander Schwertner, tucows.com
12.15 – 12.30 Final Comments & Conclusions: Thomas Rickert, Association for the German Internet Industry (eco)
12.30 – 13.30 Business Lunch
13.30 – 14.00 The Internet 2013
Annual ICANN Studienkreis Key Note Speech: David W. Maher, Senior Vice President, Law & Policy, Public Interest Registry (PIR), Chicago
14.00 – 15.00 The IANA Contract: No need for Enhanced Cooperation?
A dialogue with Avri Doria, former Chair of the GNSO Council, member of ICANN’s ATRT2 Review Team and member of the UNCSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation (WGEC).
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee
15.30 – 17.00 Next Generation Networks – Where we are in the Year 2020?
Regardless of the financial and economic crises: The Internet is still growing fast. It has now nearly 4 billion users worldwide. With more and more mobile devices connected to the Internet and the perspective of Cloud Computing and the ”Internet of Things“ the question is whether we will see a further evolutionary development, or whether we might reach a moment, where the Internet collapses and becomes more fragmented. How will broader public policy issues such as national security, privacy, freedom of expression, intellectual property and others influence the future of the multistakeholder model for Internet Governance? Can we keep the Internet free, open and borderless or do we move into a more federated and re-nationalized governance mechanism for the Network of the Future?
The Session will be an open discussion across the table.
Peter Dengate Thrush, former Chair of the ICANN Board
Food for Thought:
Beth Simone Noveck, New York University, Chair ICANN Strategy Panel on Multistakeholder Innovation (Video Message)
Among the resource persons for this session will be, inter alia:
Yrjö Länsipuro, ISOC Finland
Martin Fleischer, German Foreign Office
Leonid Todorow, .ru Coordination Center Moscow (TBC)
Michael Rotert, EuroISPA and Association for the German Internet Industry (eco)
Lorenzo Pupillo, Telecom Italia
Rolf Weber, University of Zurich
Leonid Demidov, ITU
Status: September 5, 2013