10th Meeting of the ICANN Studienkreis
21–22 January 2010, Barcelona
Rivoli Ramblas Hotel
Internet Governance & Domain Names:
Broader Cyberspace, Mobile Internet and New Market Opportunities
Thursday, 21 January 2010
14.30 – 15.15 Registration & Welcome Coffee
15.15 – 16.30 Opening & Session I
Internet in Spain and Catalonia: Policy Plans and Market Perspectives for 2010
Spain overtakes the EU Presidency in January 2010. In the first session the national Spanish Internet policy and market development is presented by key players from the government and the private sector. There will be also presentations from the ccTLD .es and the gTLD .cat looking in particular into the political and cultural dimension of a so-called GEO-TLD.
Welcome & Moderation: Wolfgang Kleinwächter, University of Aarhus
Opening: Jorge Cancio Meliá, Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, Madrid
The management of the .es Domain
Dr. Alberto Perez Gomez, Deputy Director for RedIRIS and International Relations, Red.es, Madrid
The management of the .cat Domain
Jordi Iparraguirre, PuntCat, Barcelona
The management of ICTs and Internet in the current socio-economic environment in Spain
Antonio Elias Fusté, Member of the board of the Spanish National Regulatory Authority, Madrid
16.30 – 17.00 Coffee
17.00 – 18.45 Session II
A Changing World in a Time of Economic Crisis: New Options for Enhanced Frameworks for Internet Governance?
The financial and economic crisis has challenged the understanding of global political and economic governance. The role of governments is reconsidered while new governance models are further explored. This session will look into the practical experiences which come from both ICANN and the IGF with regard to the multistakeholder model. What are the new options for ICANN, which come along with the termination of the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) and the new Affirmation of Commitments (AoC)? What is the future of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) after its 4th meeting at Sharm el Sheikh? And what the ITU is planning for its next Plenipotentiary Conference scheduled for October 2010 in Mexico? High ranking representatives from various stakeholder groups will discuss options for an enhanced mechanism of institutional communication, coordination and collaboration (EC³).
Moderation: William J. Drake, Graduate Institute for Development and International Studies, Geneva
Fiona Alexander, US Department of Commerce, Washington
Jean Jacques Subrenat, ICANN, Member of the Board of Directors
Lee Hibbard, Council of Europe, Strasbourg
Markus Kummer, Executive Secretary of the IGF, Geneva
Alexander Ntoko, ITU, Geneva
Michael Yakushev, SAP Russia, Member of the Council of Europe Internet Governance Working Group
19.45 Catalan Cultural Dinner courtesy by .cat
(by invitation only)
Friday, 22 January 2010
9.00 – 10.15 Session III
Broadening Cyberspace I: New Strategies for the gTLD-Saga?
The process of introduction of new gTLDs is moving forward slowly. During the recent ICANN meeting in Seoul there was some confusion about the future of the process as a whole. New questions has been asked with regard to trademark protection, dispute resolution and security and stability of the root, On the other hand new proposals has been made to move forward via a gTLD Fast Track or differentiation by categorization. The session will look into the various options and discuss the next steps.
Introduction & Overview: Bertrand de la Chapelle, French Foreign Ministry, GAC Member, Paris
Kurt Pritz, Senior Vice President, ICANN, Marina del Rey
Tim Ruiz, Go Daddy,
Alexander Schwertner, EPAG
Pat Kane, VeriSign Global Public Policy and Government Relations
10.15 – 10.30 Coffee
10.30 – 12.00 Session IV
Broadening Cyberspace II: Waiting in the Queue
The queue for new gTLDs gets longer and longer. After ICANN decided in Seoul to open a small window for the presentation of an Expression of Interest (EoI), a number of concrete projects are preparing to move forward and to take the next hurdle on the way to new gTLDs. Some of the world known key projects will inform about their plans. Each candidate will have up to 8 minutes to present the proposal and to answer questions from the floor.
Introduction & Overview: Michael Heller, SHSG Düsseldorf
Case Presenters:
Dirk Kirschenowski, Looking beyond the Horizon: New TLD categories?
Markus Bahmann, .bayern, Starnberg
Iratxe Esnaola, .eus, Donostia
Jothan Frakes, COO, minds + machines
Tobias Wann, VeriSign, .ngo,
Constantine Roussos, .music,
Alexander Schubert, .gay, San Francisco
Anne Deschuyteneer, .sport, Luxembourg
Phil Buckingham, .royal
Throw-In: More than just a domain – strategies for growth Creating value beyond the domain: the mobile Web example
Francesco Cetraro, Dotmobi Registry, Dublin
Comments: Ken Stubbs, Afilias, former DNSO Council Member
12.00 – 12.15 Coffee
12.15 – 13.15 Session V
Broadening Cyberspace III: Internationalized Top Level Domains
At its recent ICANN meeting the board decided to kick start the iDN ccTLD process? Within the next six months numerous new TLDs in Non-ASCII script will broaden the DNS. In the past the discussion was dominated by technical and political questions. This session will look into market opportunities for iDN ccTLDs in three “big languages”: Russian, Chinese, Arabic. Key experts from the national registries in Russia, China and Egypt will present their expectation.
Introduction & Moderation: Wolf Ludwig, Chair of the EURALO Board, Neuchâtel
Case 1 – China:
Hong Xue, Institute for Internet Law at the University of Bejing
Case 2 – Russia:
Andrey Kolesnikov, Coordination Centre for TLD.ru, Moscow
Case 3 – Egypt:
George Victor Salama, National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority, Cairo
Comments: Christopher Wilkinson, ISOC-Wallonia, Belgium
13.15 – 14.30 Spanish Lunch courtesy by .es
14.30 – 15.30 Session VI
Next Generation Networks: How Safe and Secure is the Internet of Tomorrow?
After Kaminsky disclosed the weakness of the DNS, a new sensibility of the need to strengthen the security and stability of the Internet is growing. New applications are seen more than before also with regard to its implications for a stable and secure Internet. This session will have a more horizontal look into the various security implications of developments which are pushed forward individually but are interlinked like DNSSec, IPv6 new gTLDs and iDNs.
Introduction & Moderation: Avri Doria, Lulea Technology University, former GNSO Chair
Key Note Speech: Ram Mohan, ICANN Director, Afilias Ltd., Vancouver
Michael Niebel, DG InfoSoc, European Commission, Brussels
María José Blanco, Spanish Data Protection Agency, Madrid
Andrei Robachevsky, CTO, RIPE-NCC, Amsterdam
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee
16.00 – 18.00 Closing Session
Next Generation Networks: Where we are in the Year 2015?
Regardless of the financial and economic crises: The Internet is further growing fast. It has now 1.6 billion users worldwide. With more and more mobile devices which are connected to the Internet and the perspective of an “Internet of Things” the question is whether we will see a further evolutionary development, or whether we reach a moment, where the Internet collapses and becomes more fragmented. What are the consequences for Internet Governance? With the ONS, do we move into a more federated and decentralized governance mechanism for the Network of the Future which is constituted by a number of “Internets”?
Introduction & Moderation: Avri Doria, Lulea Technology University, former GNSO Chair
Key Note Speech: David W. Maher, Senior Vice President, Law & Policy, Public Interest Registry (PIR), Chicago
Marisa Jimenez, EPCGlobal
Thomas Schneider, BAKOM, GAC Member, Bern
Elmar Knipp, Knipp Kommunikation, Chair of the Board, DENIC, Frankfurt
Henning Lesch, eco, German Association of the Internet Economy, Cologne
Brian Cute, Afilias Ltd., Washington
Final Comments & Conclusions: Erika Mann, former Member of the European Parliament, Executive Vice-President for CCIA (Computer & Communication Industry Association), Brussels